University of Nigeria
ISSN: 2315 - 6856
e-ISSN: 2636 - 5553
Journal volumes
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Instruction to Authors
1. Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscripts should be written in concise British English and double spaced with margin of 2.5 cm (1 inch) on both sides. All pages, including Figures and Tables, should be numbered consecutively at the lower right hand corner, starting with the Title page and arranged in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional), Conflict of Interest, References, Tables and Figures. All scientific measurements should be expressed in the System International (S. I.) or standard conventional units.
i. Title Page: The title page should contain the following information: Title of the paper in bold font style (font size 14, sentence case). Names of the authors should appear in Regular/Normal font as Surname, First name and Middle name (font size 12). This should be followed by their complete institutional/postal addresses, their e-mail and phone numbers. The author for correspondence should be identified by an asterisk mark with their full name, together with a functional phone number and e-mail address.
ii. Abstract: An abstract of 250 – 300 words, should follow the title page. It should contain, in brief, all aspects of the study, highlighting the background/aim/objective of the study, the methods used, the significant findings and conclusions. There should be no citations/references in the Abstract.
iii. Key Words: Six key words should be provided under the Abstract, each separated by a semi colon.
iv. Introduction: The introduction should supply essential background information on the study, citing relevant references. The Introduction should end with a clear statement on the aim and objective(s) of the study.
v. Materials and Methods: This section should describe the materials used for the study, the design and the methods/procedures used in executing the study, in sufficient detail to allow other investigators repeat the work if necessary. Appropriate and relevant citations/references for the methods used should be stated where necessary. For studies involving animals, authors are required to insert a statement in the Methods showing that the researchers had the approval of the appropriate institutional animal care and use/animal research ethics committee for use of the animals for the study, and that the animals were humanely handled/treated and well cared for during the study. Also, for studies involving human subjects, the authors must indicate that the studies were conducted in accordance with ethical standards, and that the appropriate institutional ethical committees approved the study protocol. The methods used for data analysis should be clearly stated towards the end of the Materials and Methods section.
vi. Results: The Results section should present the findings of the study, and should be written in reported speech (past tense). All data generated based on the specific objectives of the study should be presented. Summary tables and graphs in the Results section should be arranged in a unified and coherent sequence so that the report develops clearly and logically. There should be statistical or illustrative validation of the assertions. The same data should not be presented in both tabular and graphic forms.
vii. Discussion and Conclusion: The Discussion should not repeat the results but deal with interpretation of the results, citing relevant references that concur/support or disagree with/contradict the present research findings. All findings should be discussed. The Conclusion should be based on the aims and objectives of the study and the findings; it should be brief.
viii. Acknowledgements: This section is optional. It should be brief with information on technical, laboratory or secretarial assistance/support and/or funding.
ix. Conflict of Interest: Authors are to briefly declare any conflict of or competing interests.
x. References: References should be cited in the text by Surname and Year in parentheses. Examples: i. Parasitic diseases are a big threat to livestock production (Nwosu, 2021).
ii. The effects of silymarin on cadmium toxicity have been recently reviewed by Onoja et al (2022).
iii. The findings of anaemia in the infected goats in the present study concur with the reports by Eze and Ogbanya (2015).
The Reference listing at the end of the write-up (after the Acknowledgement section) should only include published reports/studies that were cited in the text. All publications cited in the text should be presented in the list of references. The Reference listing should contain the surnames and initials of all authors. In all cases, the complete name of the journal should be used. Authors should, as much as possible, include the digital object identifier (DOI) and web links of the referenced articles when possible. The Reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order of the Surname of the first author of each of the cited publications, following the revised JVAS format as shown below:
Journal Articles:
Arua DA, Nweze NE, Anaga AO and Anene BM (2019) Efficacy of Alstonia boonei stem bark extract and diminazene aceturate in mice experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of Veterinary and Applied Sciences, 9(2): 102 – 111.
Mbaya AW, Nwosu CO and Onyeyili PA (2007) Toxicity and anti-trypanosomal effects of ethanolic extract of Butyrospermum paradoxum (Sapotaceae) stem bark in rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma congolense. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 111(3): 526 – 530.
Ugochukwu EI (2011) Textbook of Equine, Porcine and Ruminant Medicine. 1st edition. Computer Edge Publishers, Enugu, Nigeria; pp. 441 – 456.
Ihedioha JI and Chineme CN (2004) Fundamentals of Systemic Veterinary Pathology. 3rd edition. Great AP Express Publishers, Nsukka Nigeria; pp. 161 – 190.
Chapters in Books
Eisler MC, Dwinger RH, Majiwa PAO and Picozzi K (2004) Diagnosis and epidemiology of African animal trypanosomiasis. In: Maudlin I, Holmes PH and Miles MA (Ed.,) The Trypanosomiases. CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 253 – 267.
Published Proceedings of Conferences/Symposia
Shoyinka SVO, Chah KF, Eze DC and Onuoha EO (2008) Clinical and pathological features of Pitriasis rosea of pigs in Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Owerri, Nigeria, pp. 122 – 124.
Anyogu DC (2021) Comparison of the pathophysiologic effects of experimental Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma congolense infections on the brain and pituitary-adrenal axis of West African Dwarf sheep. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Noel-Uneke OA (2013) Haematological and clinical biochemistry findings associated with diseases, disorders and conditions observed in trade horses at Obollo Afor, Enugu State, Nigeria. Master of Science (M. Sc.) Dissertation, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
xi. Figures and Tables: These should be of high quality and may be inserted where the authors feel it should be in the body of the manuscript or kept after the Reference list. Their headings should be concise and clearly present the subject matter. Tables should not contain internal horizontal and vertical lines except for the top row that shows column captions. Both Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and bear a brief title in sentence case regular font.
2. Submission of manuscript:
Authors should ensure that manuscripts to be submitted to JVAS for review and possible publication have not been published elsewhere or under consideration for publication in another journal. The first/corresponding author should ensure that co-authors whose names appear on the submitted manuscript contributed significantly to the research work and its write-up, and that all authors consented to submitting the manuscript to JVAS.
Manuscripts can be submitted to the journal editorial office through e-mail: as an attachment, or via the electronic submission system on the journal website contact…
Manuscripts shall be subjected to standard double blind peer review process to determine their suitability for publication in the journal. The Journal Editors can modify the style and length of a manuscript to make it conform to the journal format, and also may return to the corresponding author manuscripts that fail to conform to the requirements of the journal.
3. Publication Charge:
The Journal of Veterinary and Applied Sciences is an open access journal. A Publication Charge of Twenty thousand Naira (N20,000) only will be paid by authors for publication of each accepted manuscript.
All payments should be made to the Journal account:
Name of Account: Journal of Veterinary and Applied Sciences
Bank: Access Bank Plc., Nigeria.
Account Number: 0019406113.
Further payment details that may be needed by foreign authors can be obtained on request via email:
4. Copies of Published Articles:
All authors/co-authors will receive electronic copies of their published articles in PDF format, and the published article shall be available free for download from the Journal website upon publication.
5. Article Copyright
When an article is published in the Journal of Veterinary and Applied Sciences, the Journal retains the copyright of the article. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, authors will be required to sign and submit a copyright transfer form.

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